Show Notes Audio used in this podcast: Derailed Trains intro: "Vampire Snap" by Joshua Morse, remixed from Castlevania OST. Story School intro: “Fanfarria” from L’Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi. Soundtrack intro: “Johnny’s Got the Funk” by Anti-Syne, remixed from Final Fantasy VI OST. Soundtrack feature 1: “A ‘Kid-pella” by Andrew McLaren, David Lane, Dorothy Hayden, Ryan Billington, and Square Law, remixed from Bastion OST. Once Upon a Sentence intro: “Sprightly” from GarageBand library. Our Take on Tales intro: “Dance of the Kokiri” by Doc Nano and Chris ~ Amaterasu resmixed from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OST. Soundtrack feature 2: “Clear Reflections” by Sir_NutS, remixed from Mirror’s Edge OST. Podcast logo by Dave Hulteen of Special Thanks to Janelle Deal and Natasha Hayden for their indulgence, Dave Hulteen for working with us to design our new logo, and to our listeners for their patience. We didn’t talk about Bruno, no, no, no.