Show Notes Audio used in this podcast: Derailed Trains intro: "Vampire Snap" by Joshua Morse, remixed from Castlevania OST. Story School intro: "Yearbook Medium" from GarageBand library. Soundtrack intro: "Theme of Frog's" by Select Start, remixed from Chrono Trigger OST. Soundtrack feature 1: "You Don't Talk About Flight Club" by halc, remixed from Pilotwings OST. Our Take on Tales intro: "Light Sting" by Kevin MacLeod. Soundtrack feature 2: "Bibliotheca ~ Dreamer in the Library" by Chaeley and katethegreat19, remixed from Final Fantasy IX OST. Also see: Special Thanks to Natasha Hayden for her indulgence, to our listeners for their patience, to Steve Whitmire for keeping Kermit alive all these years, and to the Word who makes all other words possible. Finis.