Show Notes Audio used in this podcast: Derailed Trains intro: "Vampire Snap" by Joshua Morse, remixed from Castlevania OST. Story School intro: "Yearbook Medium" from GarageBand library. Soundtrack intro: "Theme of Frog's" by Select Start, remixed from Chrono Trigger OST. Soundtrack feature 1: “Honky Town” by Wiesty and XPRTNovice. Our Take on Tales intro: “Light Sting” by Kevin MacLeod. Previously On… intro: Static Accents 1 and 2 from GarageBand library. Soundtrack feature 2: “Mario for Airports (1-1)” by zachaction, remixed from Super Mario World OST. More flash fictions by Nick are available at Special Thanks to Natasha Hayden for her indulgence and to our listeners for their faithfulness. As far as editing goes, I'm glad this was a conventional episode. ….GET IT? :-D