Here’s what I’m going to do. I’ll get through graduation then–boom! I’m outta here. I’m heading west. No destination, no plan, just the road and me and a trunkful of Bangs.
“It looks like a video compilation of epic fails.” “It’s not that–” “No, seriously, dude, it’s like something out of a 80s kids’ movie. There’s no way it’s flying.” Michael shook his head, bemused. His friend’s insults didn’t bother him. He’d been saying the same thing for weeks. “Does that…
In my continuing effort to put online short stories from “The Archive,” I present today “The Madness of Franz Agapa.” This story is a spin-off, of sorts, from “The All-Seeing Prophet of Fortune and Love” and exists in the same world as “The King’s Shield.” Pierre Agapa is a adventurer/treasure…
Time for another story from the archives! I almost forgot about this one. I usually write some sort of speculative fiction. If I write contemporary, it’s usual a “Vienna” story, a tale set in the fictional Midwest town of Vienna. Today’s story “Incidents on a Sunday Afternoon,” however, stands alone….
words resound like operatic orations, a natatorium’s vibrations, nugatory noises conducive to connotations despite dubious denotations. It’s galimatias of the grandest kind! A gauche gallimaufry of alphabetic signs! Alas! Alack! The verbal rack Of words interred in eons past! I am fain to flaunt this idioglossian resurrection, for I’ve no…
In writing class, I was taught there were nine basic plots that describe all stories, plots like Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, and Man vs. God. Add the other six in, and these conflicts cover most of known literature. There is, however, one basic plot I have never seen on any…
In my continuing effort to catalog all my old stories here, I present “A Madman’s Tale.” Here’s the author note I wrote about it ages ago: Every once in awhile I write a story that I laugh gleefully over while everyone else shakes their heads. I think this is one…
Once upon a springtime eve, when the mosquitoes were not yet out, there was a father who found himself alone. His wife was out for coffee with old college friends, his two older kids, 6 and 4, were asleep, and the baby had conked out in her swing. Even the…
Throughout 2016, I’ll be digging out old short stories that used to be among my “standards” but have fallen to the wayside, unread by many who might enjoy them. “The All-Seeing Prophet of Fortune and Love” is one of these. This is an entertaining story of a conman and his…
Blank screen. Endless possibilities. I can write anything. Go! (…) (Er….) An Epic Tale of Beauty Once upon a time…. (Yeah, that’ll work.) Once upon a time, there was a poet of great renown who was commissioned by a king to create an epic that embodied all that was noble…
Look, I’m no fan of turkey. I mean, sure, it’s tasty enough, but give me mashed potatoes, and I’m set. Always mashed potatoes, in a great big heap, with some gravy. And maybe some of that green bean casserole, officially the best use of green beans on the planet and…
It’s almost seven and the grandstand’s filling up fast. I’ve never been on this side of the fence, looking up at the crowd. Joe is next to me, elbowing Brad and saying something about Bethany that makes my face burn. I’d never say it myself, but she does look good…