Reclusive Writer to Show Up at Allen County Public Library

Poster & flyer for public to attend.

My slow-but-mostly-steady attempt at publicizing The Unremarkable Squire continues on November 9, 12:00-4:00pm, at the Allen County Public Library. Along with other authors, I’ll be present to discuss my book, sign & sell copies, and attempt to appear knowledgeable about all things writing related.

I’ll be sharing a table with friend and fellow author Nathan Marchand. We’ll have some of our other, not-The-Unremarkable-Squire books available, such as The Day After and Nathan’s military science fiction novel Pandora’s Box.

So, if you’re in the Fort Wayne area and haven’t had a chance to pick up a copy of what people are calling “the greatest witty fantasy novel about a guy named Obed Kainos written by an author named Nick Hayden,” then  Nov. 9th is your chance.

Or, if for some reason, you just want to come by and say hi, that’ll work too.